Tuesday, April 26, 2016

OUGD406: Studio Brief 04 - Reflective Practice - Speaking From Experience - Finalised Design Ideas

After looking at the feedback for my initial design ideas I chose these three pieces to taken on and develop to my concept. As the different opinions varied quite a lot.

"Too much space is taken up by the design (title), utilise space for writing."

"More space for days of the week, less space for goals and "exciting adventures" - gives people more room to plan and add things during the week."

"Are they necessary? Perhaps add them as a part of the week table?"

The final design:

I feel like this utilises the space within the page more.  I converted it back to black and white so that it would be cheaper to mass produce and distribute. This would also be printed on quite thin stock something that is cheap again to produce because each pad would have multiple sheets or at least enough for the academic year. It's also sleeker looking. Someone suggested to add imagery but I feel like that could be too steered towards a specific gender whereas this is more neutral. 
I feel like having overall goals is very important because then there is extra room to add things that are of higher importance. It's also nice to see visually what you are doing day to day so you can look forward to things. This is how I force myself to do work when I am feeling unmotivated. I plan something exciting so that I have to do it before I can do my fun thing. This is something that I would genuinely use because at the moment I just write large lists. 

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