Wednesday, April 20, 2016

OUGD406: Studio Brief 04 - Reflective Practice - Speaking From Experience - Initial Ideas

For this brief I either want to talk about time management because sometimes I'm really good at it but most of the time it is a struggle. The worst thing in the world is approaching deadline time and making yourself believe you don't have time. My mantra for university is "you will do it, you don't have a choice." So I will incorporate this into my design. It is positive but passive aggressive. I would create a desk planner or some form of time management sheet or calendar. A possible other product could be a calendar. A large scale poster type wall calendar. A diary. A to do list. A notebook. A notepad. Something productive that would help to manage your time. Especially with a course that is so full on.

My other idea is to create a piece based around not being a graphic designer. I am doing a Graphic Design degree but it's not all that I am. I have discussed this in my PPP blog. There is a campaign by Gillette Venus called "Use Your And." It is a movement of empowering yourself. You might be this but you are also everything else. My concept would be I am a Graphic Design student but it's does not define my entire identity. This is something I would like to tell other people because a lot of people just define themselves by their degree as seen in many people's twitter or instagram bios. This would just be a motivational poster or products based around that concept.

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