Friday, April 29, 2016

OUGD406: End of Module Evaluation

Within this module I enjoyed the Secret 7 Brief and Studio Brief 04 the most. It was interesting learning about what the guidelines and rules were for a live brief and being set one from outside the our current academic study. I really enjoy music and album art so it was fun to try and creative a piece where we had to really look into the song and sounds and find a depth and meaning to create an exhibition piece. I also really enjoyed studio brief 04 because it reminded me of PPP which has been my favourite module so far. I felt like we were given a lot of creative freedom and independence especially considering we had to write our own brief. However, it also showed me how difficult it was to actually set a brief. The guidelines needed to be vague enough so I could explore a variety of ideas around the same topic but also clear enough so that I had a structure to follow such as documenting things on my blog and creating design boards. 

I really didn't like the money brief as much as thought I would. I feel like this is because I didn't like my concept or design. The printing process is also very frustrating when it goes wrong but it's something I would like to improve on and constantly try to include in my work because I enjoy using analogue methods to work. I feel like there was a lot of creative freedom for this brief (studio brief 02) too but it wasn't something I was personally interesting in designing. 

Before studio brief 03 I was dreading working in a group. I'm quite a quiet and outspoken person. It's difficult for me to get my point across with work because I put myself and my work down. The group I was given was actually really good though. They were all nice and we all equally contributed to the discussions and within a group chat. We were consistent in meeting our small deadlines. But I do still think that it is easier to work with people that you actually speak to and hope one day we can pick our groups because I never show my friends my work so it's not like we know how each other works anyway. Plus it's easier to tell your friends you don't like something and what to improve on than it is to a stranger. 

Overall, this module has been one of the best out of all of the modules but also having all four briefs alongside our other modules such as design principles and cop was difficult. I think what also made it harder was that we had only a few days between submissions whereas other courses had weeks. But I did enjoy the briefs within this more than others in Studio Practice. 

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