Tuesday, April 19, 2016

OUGD406: Studio Brief 04 - Reflective Practice - Speaking From Experience - Research

For my research into this brief I wanted to look at the struggles of being a university student in a humorous form such as the "15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True" type posts. This was my first stage of idea generation because I want to make something beneficial.

1. Struggling between deciding whether to Netflix or study.
We both know which one you chose.
15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via Unabashedly Me

2. Wait a minute...a third contender comes in...now you're struggling between deciding whether to Netflix or sleep.

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via Film World

3. Struggling between making Kraft Dinner or Ramen Noodles.

Probably ramen...boil water, pour. Simple. But then, you remember how good KD is.
15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True 

4. You can't decide whether or not you should skip class and sleep in...

The only deciding factor in this is usually "do they take attendance?"
15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via Gif Soup

5. You struggle to decide whether or not you should go out tonight...on a school night.

You think about it for like a second.
15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via Tumblr 

6. Until you realize, it's either going out or not eating for the next week.

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via Giphy

7. The struggle is still real the next morning with that killer hangover.

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True

8. You're faced with a job offer (which wasn't exactly an offer as it was a sign of pity) of holding up "going out of business" signs in a ridiculous costume...So it's either your dignity or some dough...You really need the money.

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via Hurricane Vanessa

9. It's either do laundry now or have to wear dirty clothes for the next few days...Where's the Febreeze? 

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via Forum

10. This sums up how bad your work ethic is and how much of a struggle it is.

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via OK Movie Quotes

11. You have constant internal struggles.

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via Huffington Post

12. You don't know what to spend your first paycheck from your horribly embarrassing job on. It probably starts with a and ends in l and it's a lot of fun.

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True

12. When the McDonald's by your house is closed and there is no Taco Bell nearby, the world around you seems to be crashing.

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via Elite Daily

13. When you want to take a girl out on a date...and you can't pick her up because you take the city bus. 

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via Distractify

14. You struggle between looking good and studying. 

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via Teen

15. In the end, your daily life is just this...a constant struggle.

15 Struggles All Students Know To Be True
via We Heart It

Personal things I struggle with:

Productive Procrastination - doing things like cleaning my room or reading to avoid doing work.
Napping - accidentally falling asleep. I never used to nap before uni and now it happens all too often.
Time Management - I'm half good with this half bad with this. I get all the work done before deadlines so I don't stress but smaller tasks I can't do. I was good with this at the start of uni but towards the end it got too much.

Things I've asked other people what they struggle with:

Being Poor - managing their money and not spending money on rubbish.
Cooking - preparation on food, food shopping.
Motivation - constantly saying "I can't do this."
Making friends - being really shy or just finding it hard to talk to people.

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