Monday, February 8, 2016

OUGD406: Constructing an alternative concept - Monotype Typefaces

In my initial 30+ thumbnails I used them to explore all approaches that I could take with this brief whether it was photography or a more hand rendered approach. Two of my concepts involved type. As Monotype are one of the judges for the Secret 7" live brief I decided to look at their website for examples of their types.

The concept that everyone in the crit liked was the separation of the word "together" because it creates the phrase "to get her" which is relevant to The Less I Know The Better because "together" is reiterated throughout the lyrics and he is trying to get her back and to have her in his life. He is pining after her. 

Joanna Sans Nova was my favourite because it is bold and I find serif fonts look too professional. It has been argued adding a serif doesn't actually make the type easier to read and it might actually over complicate things. I want my concept to involve a lot of colour so I needed a flat simple typeface. My concept is going to be to maybe paper cut the letters out so it couldn't be a thin typeface otherwise it could become illegible. Comparing the typefaces together I'm going to use Joanna Sans Nova because it looks the best aesthetically and is still legible easily separated. I do need to experiment with the layout though and how I will set up this piece.

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