Monday, February 8, 2016

OUGD406: Research - Tame Impala - The Less I Know The Better Mind Maps

The first mind map was just a generalisation of the band and a few basic facts about them and their music. It features the names of their previous albums and genres that they are related to because I felt like the psychedelic aspect of their music is a key factor in their style as musicians. It could massively impact my design for the secret seven project and is something I will take into consideration.

 I then watched the music video to the song for the second mind map because I had never seen it before it was my first impressions on the video. This is demonstrated on the right of the mind map. I wrote down words as the video played. The music video took place in a high school with two young people, the female is the main protagonist and a gorilla is who she runs off with. I think the video displays the betrayal of a relationship and the girl is going off for someone because they are more intimate with her instead of emotional. This is similar to the lyrics of the song the female leaves the protaganist to sleep with someone else but is promising in ten years they will be together. I wrote down a few comments from the video to see alternative perceptions that could inspire possible themes for the cover as illustrations was a route I wanted to experiment with for the cover.  

I then found through watching the video there was actually illustrations featured and I was more inspired by the colours in that which give an ambiguous psychedelic aesthetic as most of Tame Impala's videos do.

Instead of the monochromatic approach I was going to try with a line drawing similar to these sketches:

 which I did whilst playing the music I'm going to create a piece more colourful and inspired by the dots within the music video. 

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