Monday, February 8, 2016

OUGD406: Interim Crit & Further Crit

Interim Crit 05/02/16:

I didn't get much from the interim crit apart from "the to get her idea is deep", "you could screen print that and overlay it on top of itself in different sizes to make it contrast and more interesting to look at", "you could use different types of metallic colours for it." Everyone had agreed the to get her would be a good approach and ignorance is bliss is a good synonym because it doesn't include the title but it does provide a similar context. The feedback I received was because I explained roughly that my 30 sketches was just all the routes I could approach with my idea and I didn't really have any strong idea yet so I couldn't ask that many questions apart from which approach I should take the more ambiguous one or a more straight forward one in which I was told "well consider how long the listening to one will take, and the illustrations won't take that long so do those and you might as well take photos too." So I felt this was to still just explore every option, not really narrowing down my potential ideas but then I thought of a completely different idea from what I had initially imagined after watching the music video.

Crit for the two paper cut dot concepts:

(I need to scan these in properly so that they're more high resolution instead of photos of the experimentation.) 

Together - To Get Her

Ignorance Is Bliss

Ignorance Is Bliss

"have you considered over lapping them so that the background is the original paint splattered pieces you did then the cutout text sheet is plain over it?" example:

"I really like the concept and the colours but the words are slightly difficult to read. The simplicity and the vibrancy does look lovely though!"

"The last one is the easiest to read out of all of them"

"I think it's really conceptually strong, with informed design decisions which reflect the song and it's context"

"I would disagree about the last being the most readable though, I prefer the top two and think stylistically the first is the most effective"

"I think the 'Ignorance is bliss' is more effective as it's not as obvious as the phrase in the song"

"I do like the brighter colours more on the first two though"
-"Yes I'm agreeing with that"

"sorry i've been having a look on your blog again but i really love the reverse ones you've documented on there, it works really well as a cut out with splatter round have you considered using them?"

This refers to these:

Response to feedback:

I'm going to consider the readability of the text and alter that and the colours where needed to progress my sleeve further as this was only my first time trying this concept. I will also collect more opinions and expand how I use the reverse to see whether that would be a better alternative concept to this idea than the original idea of only using it as a stencil for the letters. 

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