Saturday, February 20, 2016

OUGD406: Studio Brief 01 - Final Crit

For the crit I displayed my final ideas like this. It displayed an ambiguous concept which was inspired by the dots in the music video and a less ambitious photography approach.


1.Which concept do you prefer the more obvious (dots) or ambiguous (sunset) & why?

2. For the photo concept which background image do you prefer & why? 

3. Do you think the approaches are an appropriate response?

4. Any other changes or feedback?

I found the feedback quite helpful in my design. I'm going to chose the third image because it is an every day life situation and edit the image to what was described in the feedback such as changing the composition and making it lighter. I'm going to submit the To Get Her concept and create a series so that I can submit it for multiple covers. I think visually the To Get Her cover could be apart of a set. 

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