Wednesday, February 3, 2016

OUGD406: Studio Brief 01 - 45 Thumbnail Treatments

Here I have taken the ideas from my initial ideas and started sketching them out. I used a black pen and watercolours to see where colour would be added and where colour would be left alone. In the concept of hand written text and illustrating the listen and draw concept I would leave them monotone because of the simplicity of the ideas. I want these concepts to be as minimalist as possible. Whereas where I could use a monotype typeface I would change the background to become more vibrant or a pastel colour so that the type and text stands out amongst the background. For the more manual methods I would probably paint it because I enjoy that technique as you can create quite imaginative patterns. However, I would also consider a more photographical approach by taking imagery of nature and the colour shifts in the sky because they create a similar effect to what I would try create through painting and manual methods. I'm still unsure which concept I like the best so I'm going to explore all avenues to try narrow it down. I know I would probably want the final resolution to be very vibrant and colourful to coincide with Tame Impala's current aesthetic however the minimalist concept could also be interesting because it is so contrasting. 

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