Sunday, February 21, 2016

OUGD406: Studio Brief 02 - Initial Ideas


Initially for the illustrative idea I thought of Quinten Blake's visual identity.
His style is quite sketchy and reminds me of the Roald Dahl books. I feel like this style of illustrations on bank notes would make them interesting and versatile for everyone - any age. It's simple but has a unique charm to it.

The animals I chose to include on the bank notes would be shown as a hierarchy of animals and increases for the amount of money is given. For example £50 would be a lion because it is at the top of the hierarchy. Then like a butterfly for £5 because it's lower.

To avoid counterfeit money - UV light.



The concept for the "space" theme for the money is something that could be used universally. Similar to how you can pay contactless. It would be a card or something that everyone can obtain and connect to their bank to pay with. This makes it a fast, easy transaction that can be communicated easily globally.

Design ideas:
The print would be grey scale with a metallic accented print.
To avoid counterfeit - glow in the dark or holographic element; this is also so that it doesn't distract too much on the design or make it look too clustered.

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