Wednesday, November 30, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 03 - YCN - Quorn - Animal Charities Research

As Quorn is based around being meat free. There is the connotation of it being related to animal welfare. It is one of the ethical reasons people chose not to eat meat. This brief could work in conjunction with a charity to give people more of an incentive to try being meat free. Charities that would work with this campaign are:

  • Blue Cross
  • WWF

There are also environmental factors that can be taken into consideration such as climate change. One of the facts mentioned on the Quorn website was based on the damage it will do to the environment. "We use 50% more resources than the earth can support and today we live as if we have 1 1/2 planets. If we continue like this by 2050 we will need 3 planets!" Global Warming charities within the UK are:

  • WWF 
  • Campaign to Protect Rural England
  • Rainforest Concern
  • Compassion in World Farming
  • Sylva Foundation 
  • The Climate Change Organisation 
  • The4cs - Climate Change Community Champions

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

OUGD504: Interface Design - Site Map

First page is the home page.

First section
Table Layout - Where each person is sitting, the list of food they have ordered, which colour "zone" they are in. Red - more expensive, amber - middle budget, green - cheapest. 

Selected Items - Highlighted items or selecting on yourself to pay your section of the bill.

Payment Method - Selecting applepay, contactless, request card machine or cash. 

Payment Process - Similar to when you make online payments and they confirm and transfer you to your back to enter your password and grant the payment.

Confirmation - receipt you can get emailed to you.

New Bill - The Bill without the deductions as people have paid.

Second section
Bill Overview - for if the table want to see the overall bill quickly before modifications etc.

Third section

Support - incase anything with the bill goes wrong, a refund is needed etc.

Request Help - Send a request to the member of staff who is serving you and they come over to your table.

Staff Intervention - This section is for the member of staff to intervene with the bill, do refunds or revert items back to the bill etc. Similar to at self check out systems in supermarkets where the staff has to come and scan their card if there is an issue. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - YCN - Quorn Brief - Press Pack - Discount Voucher

The last piece in the press pack is a discount voucher for Quorn products because one of people's main reason in the survey conducted was that Quorn products are seen as expensive. Especially on a student budget so offering a percentage off any Quorn product would be useful. 

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - YCN - Quorn Brief - Quorn - Press Pack - Publication - High Quality Photographs

A set of three high quality photographs of animals. This could go under photos or other images or advertising collateral. Photographs of animals will be more personable which resonates with peoples emotions. This is to be included in the pack. They are smaller than the art prints to make each item easily distinguishable. People always want to know more information. It's more shocking and change provoking when you know what the actual damage is doing. These will include facts as statistics about environmental and ethical reasons to why the meat industry is bad. The green colour goes with the theme of environmental and nature. It also links with the vegetarian aspect. The typeface used is the consistent Pacifico. It looks fun and interesting to read because of it's hand rendered element. It makes it more personable and human to the reader and audience instead of a sans serif typeface which looks more serious and formal.

"Raising animals for food requires  massive amounts of land, food, energy, and water and causes immense animal suffering."

"A staggering 51 percent or more of global greenhouse-gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture, according to a report published by the Worldwatch Institute."

"We use 50% more resources than the earth can support and today we live as if we have 1 1⁄2 planets. If we continue like this by 2050 we will need 3 planets!"

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Quorn - Press Pack - Publication - Art Prints

These postcards are simple.  The feature slogans which are quirky and fun rather than passive aggressive. The colours were taken from the Quorn logo. The typeface is Pacifico and Raleway to maintain consistency throughout the press pack. It is the same size as the recipe book so that it fits together in a box. 

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Quorn - Press Pack - Publication - Recipe Book

The recipes were found on The design uses the type faces Pacifico and Raleway which are both what Quorn use for their branding. The size is A6 so that it will fit inside a box. It will be relatively cheap to produce. It will be a nice pocket size if you want to bring it to someones house or cook with someone else. You could give this to someone else who needs the inspiration. colour scheme uses CMYK colours that Quorn uses. The design is simple and clean but packed with all of the information from the website and what the person would need for recipe inspiration. It is a small publication with 8 pages including the cover and back page. The recipes chosen are foods that are classics that people will recognise easily but can replace with the Quorn product to make it a meat free meal. This will be part of the press back in the campaign to get people to "go meat free" for a day. 

A lot of people learned about being meat free from social media influence. Instagram is an extremely influential platform for advertising food with all the food instagrams. The design might need a hashtag on the back page to see other people's food photos to gain inspiration. 

OUGD504: Studio Brief 02 - Digital Wire Frames

Table Layout

Bill Page

Initial Support Page

Request Help Options

Passcode Option For Staff Member

Staff Intervention Authorised

Refund Items, Overall Bill and Table View

If Refund Items is pressed, an overview of the bill will be shown then a refund button will be displayed. If the person wants to remove one or two items from a list.

Being able to refund an entire person's order.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - YCN - Quorn Brief - Physical Product Research - Press Pack

One of the options from my survey was to create a physical pack to give to people. This could feature and be sponsored by Quorn so that people can learn about being meat free and meat alternatives. Peta distribute vegan starter kits which is a publication with recipes and information about veganims.

Things that are conventionally found in press packs:

-Historical information on the company 
-Fact sheet listing specific features, statistics, or benefits
-Biographies of key executives, individuals, artists
-Past press coverage
-Photos or other images, logos, products
-A press release detailing the current news the media kit is sent in reference to
-Media contact information
-A CD, DVD, Software title, video, etc
-Collateral advertising material, such as: postcard, flier, newspaper ad, etc

Things that could be included in the Quorn one:

-Information in the form of a publication
-Recipes using Quorn - alternative recipes on traditionally meaty things
-Benefits and facts
-Art print / poster that could potentially put in a room or student halls
-Stuff linked to campaigns like associations 
-Collateral advertising material, such as: postcards, flier, newspaper ad, etc
-Discount code or voucher for Quorn

Target audience: students, young people wanting more information on becoming meat free or going meat free for a day.

Distribution: free or cheap to produce. Available to request on their website. 

Aims and objects: needs to be engaging, needs to keep the attention, be quite bright, colourful. Use the branding from Quorn to reflect back on to the brief. Colour scheme would have to be quite orange to reference the Quorn branding, neutral colours and green to show the natural and vegetarian aspect.  

The font Quorn uses

Quorn already have recipes on their website and fake meat products for specific things for example burgers and bolognese meat. 

What I'm going to include in the pack:

- Collateral advertising material: Art Prints
The purpose of these would be so that the person receiving them could put them in their room or university halls. Some advertising for vegetarianism, veganism or going meat free is quite vulgar and pushes people to be meat free whereas it could be aesthetically pleasing and nice to look at. 

- Recipes
A lot of people fed back saying recipes were a way they introduced other people into becoming meat free it's a helpful way if people don't know what meals to cook. Quern already have recipes on their website.  This could be in the form of cards or a small booklet.

- Photos
High quality photos of animals and food. 

- Voucher for Quorn products
Some people won't become meat free because they believe being vegetarian is expensive as are Quorn products. People are constantly bombarded by advertisements in the form of discount codes. Even if it was just a 10% code it could influence people, especially students and people on lower budgets to get Quorn products.


Reach – How will your campaign reach as many people as possible. Demonstrate how your campaign can be applied globally.
Could be shipped world wide such as peta's is and advertised online. The recipe book and prints could be set as a pdf on their website so people can download and print them out themselves as the press pack will be free. 

Engagement – How will your campaign encourage people to engage with the brand?
It's going to include recipes and facts in regards to Quorn. It will offer a discount for their products so that people are influenced to buy it on their journey to becoming meat free.

Click-through rate – How will your campaign make sure people visit the website?
The design could feature links to their website for people to access more information.

Participation – How will your campaign encourage people to participate and support World Meat Free Day.
It will include things to help people get started and encourage not only themselves but others around them to at least try going meat free for a day. This will be done through advertising. 

OUGD504: Wireframing

First interface design wireframe:

The first design would be simple, clean and consistent so it is easy for all ages to use. It would consist of just a screen of the bill. The customer would be able to select each item they had, it would highlight them on to a little pop up so the user can see what was selected with a total of the items in the corner and the price and a done button so you could proceed to the next part which would be the payment. The user could then select which method they would prefer to pay in "request card machine" "apple pay" "cash" "contactless" would be the options to select from then the items this user has selected would come off of the total due and then it would be passed to the next person to do the same process. 

Second interface design wireframe:

This interface consists of showing each individual person on the table as a square and filling their box with what they have ordered so that the waitress knows and they remember because an identified issue at a restaurant was that sometimes people confuse orders or place the order then say this is not what I asked for. This way there is no confusion. The section will also have a red, orange or green dot to signify which area you are in for the bill. Example: Red means you have spent more, amber is you have spend a middle amount and green means you haven't spent as much. This idea was given in a crit because sometimes people will not split the bill equally between everyone if they have not ordered much food. If everyone is in the amber colour then they could just have the bill split equally because they've spent the same amount of money.  This would have the same features as interface design one because it needs a highlighted option for each person to select themselves on the chart and then process to pay. 

Third interface design wireframe:

Taking inspiration from Domino's Dom app because in a crit someone said to research that so the design has adapted features similar to this. This design is too similar and not as strong as the others. 

OUGD504: Bill's Restaurant

Contemporary European chain dishing up separate breakfast, afternoon tea, lunch and dinner menus.

The interface design is going to focus on the restaurant Bill's. This is because this is the first place we encountered splitting the bill being so stressful we ended up splitting the bill equally but still had to pay with multiple cards and cash. 

Key features about Bill's:

Target audience: 18-25
Maybe a few years older too because of the cocktails aspect.
But also younger because of the children's menu and family outings.

Budget: Student, young adult, it's relatively cheap £14.95 being the most expensive dinner meal.

Problems at Bill's:

-Trying to get the waitresses attention to get the bill
-Student discount being deducted, then a 10% service charge being added on top of the discount being taken off which resulted in everyone having to add up the new prices of their food along with adding the food and drinks together
-Having to split the bill between multiple people using different payment methods

Thursday, November 24, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Quorn - Brief Facts & Information

  • Create a campaign to encourage the world to participate in World Meat Free Day . 
  • World Meat Free Day 2017 is on 12th June.
  • Due to this, we would need all responses in by the end of January 2017. 
  • We use 50% more resources than the earth can support and today we live as if we have 1 1⁄2 planets. If we continue like this by 2050 we will need 3 planets!

  • No one was actively talking or doing anything to identify the problem and provide a solution to enable us to change our behaviour and solve the problem. 
  • Demonstrate how we can make a change and do something positive. 

Creative Considerations
• Must be emotive
• Must be easy to understand and get involved in • Must create a positive solution
• Must be able to be used globally 

Reach – How will your campaign reach as many people as possible. Demonstrate how your campaign can be applied globally.
Engagement – How will your campaign encourage people to engage with the brand?
Click-through rate – How will your campaign make sure people visit the website?
Participation – How will your campaign encourage people to participate and support World Meat Free Day. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

OUGD504: Design for Screen - All Of The Problems

Distinguishing all of the problems within restaurant service will help to inform the design decisions of the ideas for design for screen. Here is a list of everything that is wrong or could potentially go wrong when being in a restaurant.

Customer perspective

  • Waiting for the staff to be ready
  • Taking your order wrong
  • Splitting the bill in prices according to what each person had
  • Splitting the bill using different payment methods

Staff perspective

  • Waiting for the customer to be ready
  • Having to attend to multiple tables
  • The customer saying that's not what they ordered
  • Remembering who had what
  • Splitting the bill in prices according to what each person had
  • Splitting the bill using different payment methods

OUGD504: Design Production Design for Screen - Coding

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language
CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
Java - Animated language
SQI - Database language
PHP - Server based language
iOS - Apple language
Ruby - Twitter

Interactive php
Not so much iOS, Java works across different devices

If you access a website on your phone, desktop what you see comes from HTML or CSS, or a combination of both. HTML and CSS is what you see the rest is functional. You would need to have a minimum understanding of HTML. If you do you have an understanding of the limitations of what you can and cannot do.

When you're designing for screen it's easy to think you're just designing for screen. You need to think about how it's going to be deployed. Primarily you are designing for browsers. Usually use a web browser. Chrome, firefox, internet explorer, safari, opera. They design a website in 4 different formats so that it activates a certain format of that website so they have control over that it looks like. Most would only design two versions a mobile version and a web version. If you access it on different things it would look amazing on one and problematic and may not work on another. Devices like desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, televisions. The main things you need to think about are screen proportions and orientations.

Responsive - word for websites that adapts, the website responds to what it's accessed to.
You need to design that response.

72 pixels per inch
300 for print

They haven't changed but they are the wrong resolutions. Retina screens are around 246ppi.

Timeframe user decides whether they're gonna stay or leave. It used to be 2.6 seconds. If the images wouldn't load within that then the user will just go somewhere else. That's bad design and bad development. Everything should come up instantaneously.

Accessibility. Screen readers are programs that read out the contents of computer screen to a user. If someone is 100% blind they have to be able to use the website. Why would you use a typographic composition instead of typing the text out - for consistency. On the internet you don't have control over kerning, leading, tracking and most of the time type size - pt isn't translatable to screen. Screens work in pixels so you work in pixel ratios you need a range of type sizes for it to be specific.

You would have to use standard fonts that are accessed on every computer in the world.
If you put an image on their example skyline of leeds on the homepage has to be useable by people that are visually impaired. Typographic composition saved as a jpeg and tagged. What happened recently was you got this functionality css/javascript you could add a font to your website. In theory it opens it to everyone but then you distribute that typeface to anyone in the world. If it is on license you would get a fine for distributing to people. You can only use it if you own the license to use it online or unless it's 100% royalty free to use. License to use it for print wouldn't be as much because you are ONLY using it for print whereas if you distribute it to screen the target audience is infinite, the license fee goes up.

divides each element of a webpage within an open and close tag. Tags act like containers. They tell you something about the information what lies between the opening and closing tags.



isn't actually visible - key words, metatags - the words you type into google, websites make your metags visible to the rest of the world



for each of those open tags you would need a closed tag.

WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get

try line up your separate tags
   Insert body text here

Generally when things go wrong with a website something is open and hasn't been closed.
Homepage needs to be called index.html - if it isn't called that it will never load up. First page has to be called index the rest can be whatever you want.

Monday, November 21, 2016

OUGD504: Design Production - Studio Brief 02 - Feedback

Doesn't take into account certain factors.
Whole experience becomes tainted because of the bill.
Should just be a good experience, enjoyable.
Rather than just it being paying and distributing the bill 

Issues with other people, old people don't trust contactless.
Uber fair splitter - gets it to split equally. As long as you have internet it always ensures you take the right amount.

Get feedback of what people do when they're in a big group.

Thing per person - red, green, amber - so they owe a lot more than other people. So let's just pay individually or if everyones in amber the difference is pence lets split it. 

It might be too open, same idea to deliver - do an uber fair splinter applies it to something that is already out there. 

every time you use you get points or a reward for using the app

the tip - if you're going with 14 of you the bill will run into 100+ the tip will be £15-£20, one person paying that is a lot - show it on an interface split between everyone it doesn't seem like a lot.

be clear to everyone what it is

getting them to come

problems of ordering - when you've been in big groups, someone always says this isn't what i ordered

ipad stays on the table, shows you - divides table up into sections what drinks and food you've ordered makes it easier for the waiter - running total of what the bill is and places the food on the table infront of the person in correspondent to the tablet

having a running order of what you've got

might be off putting - but you might have a budget 
have an option to have it on or off - don't want them to constantly - birthday etc on and off throughout the meal

dominos screen - preparing cooking etc

some places you could be waiting an hour, the longer you wait the cheaper it gets - the tip starts at 100% and every 5 mins it goes down a percentage towards the bill - functionality would be quite useful

Thursday, November 17, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Quorn - Survey Feedback

Conducted two surveys - one for vegetarians and vegans and one for meat eaters. I quoted 10 answers from each.

I received a total of 78 pieces of feedback for the vegetarian survey:

1. What made you become a vegetarian?
"Everyone else is"
" to have a better diet"
"Eating flesh is weird and gross"
"Really understanding what happens to animals and really empathising with their suffer."
"Realising how much animal cruelty is involved with animal agriculture, as well as the environmental impact"
"I started doing it to annoy my friend. By the time I felt I'd proved my point, I'd got used to it so I didn't go back"
"I saw an instagram post on the dairy industry, looked into it a bit more and that was it! Vegan overnight."
"Animal welfare/ethics."
"As soon as I realised that eating meat/dary was unnecessary and that I was hurting animals and the earth. I couldn't figure out a way to justify eating them anymore."

2. How long have you been vegetarian/vegan?
"1 year, 4 months."
"2 years"
"11 months"
"11 years"
"11 months vegetarian, 9 months vegan."
"2 and a half years"
"14 years"
"2 and a half years vegan"
"Had been vegetarian 2 years, been vegan for 1"
"Vegetarian for 3 years, vegan for a year and a half"

3. Have you managed to convince anyone you know to become vegetarian/vegan?
"Informally I know that I've helped people who were thinking about it to give it a try. My mum is moving towards vegetarianism and I'm going to keep trying."
"Yes! My girlfriend and 3 of my uni friends"
"My mum and a few friends. But they were already vegetarian and now vegan"
"Have convinced my friend to become pescetarian."
"Yes, 2 people to go vegan"

4. If yes to Q3, how?

"Leading by example, cooking for the whole family."
"Suggesting websites, recipes, sharing videos on social media."
"My blog."
"Talking honestly and not being patronising, also showing off how nice the food I eat is + cooking for them"
"Just through talking and showing new foods and books on how the dairy industry works etc."
"Not being pushy just trying to lead an example of how being vegan isn't an awful thing and its enjoyable and beneficial to the environment. It helped she was interested anyway in the environment."
"I kind of just told them what I was doing and then they got interested in it and started asking questions. I explained to them the affects of the factory farms on climate change and how inhumane slaughterhouses are."

5. How did you get more information about being vegetarian/vegan? (Example: social media)
"Social media, vegan society."
"Veganuary, vegan society, twitter followers"
"A family member and social media."
"Documentaries, books, social media, blogs."
"Just googled it basically. Youtube was my main source of information, recipes etc."
"Print books"
"Social media, online searches"
"Twitter was really helpful to find vegan people, as well as joining local facebook groups."
"Social media"

6. What would be the most effective advertising for going "Meat Free" for a day?

7. Do you eat Quorn?


8. If yes, would you recommend Quorn to other people? If no, why haven't you tried it? 
"Vegan and it's got egg in, their vegan range isn't very nice."
"Only some of it"
"To some extent yeah, it's an okay substitute but I tend to recommend Fry's/Linda McCartneys/Tofurky as I prefer them and meat eaters generally do too from my experience!"
"No. I have tried it; I don't eat it any more because it's not vegan"
"Only the vegan quern though. I will say Linda McCartney do a better vegan range! I'd recommend some quern but it's very bland if it's just the pieces."
"I don't eat quern because the majority of it has egg."
"Not really sure what that is. I'm assuming a fake meat product? I like gardein the most."

After this research I have found some people were influenced through graphic content and some were influenced by just speaking and being informed normally about the dietary lifestyle. It is mostly ethical reasons and I will look at competitors such as Linda McCartney. 

I received 20 Meat eater one surveys back:

1. Would you ever consider being vegetarian?

2. If yes, what is preventing you from trying it?
"Someone else cooks my food"
"I like steak too much!!"
"I suppose being different from "normal" eating; not wanting to be "difficult" when it comes to my family planning meals"
"I lack motivation to change my lifestyle"
"I like the taste of meat and already limit the amount of times I eat meat."
"The lack of vitamins and protein from not eating meat would make me ill/weaker, my body copes badly without a balanced diet"
"Don't really feel the need, but would be open to giving it a go."
"I enjoy eating chicken"
"Family, convenience."
"Meal choice restrictions."

3. If no, why not?
"I don't like the basic alternatives."
"Love meat too much"
"I like meat. There is no reason to not eat it."
"Live for the meat."

4. Have you ever tried Quorn?
"Yes - Linda McCartney burgers yum"
"Yes, it tasted like chicken but not like chicken - it was okay."
"Yes, ate throughout my first year of uni, it's cheaper"
"Yes, actually like it."

Would you go meat free for a day?
"Yes, I already do this."
"Yeah, I have done before by accident, but I think it would be easily done"
"Yes and have done before"

What would be the most effective advertising for going "Meat Free" for a day?

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - YCN - Quorn Brief - Opinions And Discussion On Eating Meat

Common misconceptions or things said during discussion as to why people eat meat or don't become vegetarian.

"Sometimes cooking meat is a hassle. Only because you've gotta chop it, fry it off, defrost it. It takes a long time."
"That's why you buy frozen chicken nuggets just bang it in."

"Quorn is expensive."

"If we did not eat meat, then there would just be animals roaming around in the wild. What would you do if a chicken was just walking around next to you?"

Discussing the consumption of meat:
"What else are they for?"

"Eating meat might not make people feel good. It could make them feel ill if they've gone without it for a long time for react differently to their bodies."

"Isn't meat one of those things you need in your diet?"
"Yeah it's nutritious."
"Might make you fuller for longer"
"That protein, them gains."
"Feel like veg doesn't make you that full."
"I feel like meat gives flavour."

"If I was eating a meal that was just vegetables I'd think yeah this is nice but where's the meat."

"It's dead anyway." 

"Meat has a unique flavour that you can't get from something else."

People are obsessed with certain meat foods, they are social media trends. "but bacon, but chicken nuggets."
"I could eat a 20 pack of chicken nuggets." 

"Being vegan is now trendy."

"Eating meat is everywhere so it is seen as normal." "It's on the food pyramid - eat well plate."

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - YCN - Quorn Brief - Research & Initial Ideas

The Creative Challenge
We would like you to create a campaign to promote World Meat Free Day and encourage people to go meat free for the day.

How do we explain the problem and create a solution that people across the globe can understand and get involved in to make a change. The first step in what we hope will become a longer-term behaviour change.

Think about how your campaign can encourage people to make long-term changes to their consumer behaviour beyond World Health Day. Encourage people continue to feature meat free meals in their day-to day lives. Healthy for them and healthy for the planet!

A creative hook and execution is needed to help us do this!

Think about which channels you will use to execute your campaign. Will you create an animation to share on social media? Or perhaps some posters to be used within the supermarkets.

Initial Thoughts:
Research into Quorn and their beliefs. Research scaremongering like Peta. Facts, statistics, infographics. Social media. Viral video. Advertisements. Posters. Handouts. Stickers. Interactive things to appeal to all age ranges and target audiences.


What are Quorn products?

Quorn products are made from Mycoprotein which is a nutritionally healthy protein source that is meat free and naturally low in saturated fat and high in fibre.

Quern products have the taste, appearance and texture of meat, perfect if you want meat free meals or are thinking of creating healthier versions of your favourite everyday meals.

How is Quorn made?

It is made from Mycoprotein which is produced by a process of fermentation similar to that used for yeast in bread. Unlike other meat alternatives, there's no strong aftertaste and Quorn is great at absorbing the flavours used in cooking.

Information on Mycoprotein:

The debate on wether or not to consume meet or if it is needed for us is ongoing. As a vegetarian, people always ask if it is for moral and ethical reasons or health reasons. Being a vegetarian since a young age and not knowing any different is my main factor. I discovered where meat came from at a young age and just decided to stop eating it so that was my reasoning behind it. This is a route that needs to be considered during the process of research - why people are influenced to go meat free.  

Peta stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and gives a lot of information about animal cruelty with facts, statistics and videos. It is something that is constantly shared on the internet and social media which inspires people not to eat meat. Peta uses graphic advertisement through videos. I showed a few videos to someone that eats meat "aggressive way of forcing people to advertise them."

Environmental and health issues is another reason people do not eat meat. Mo Farah is a celebrity endorsement for Quorn. Quorn has just as much if not more protein than meat does so people that train consistently can swap for a different alternative.

Constructed a survey on:
For vegetarians and vegans asking about how they got into being meat free and their opinions on Quorn as a product. And an additional survey for people that eat meat This will influence the design because it will give and understanding as to ways people engage with information of being meat free.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

OUGD504: Primary Research - Experience - Recording What Happens At Restaurants

Primary Research/Experience:

Today at TGI Friday the waitress took the finished plates away at 18:12 and didn't come to collect the bill until 18:42. We tried to get the waitress' attention but she was focused on another customer so walked straight past our table which added more time on to the wait. Then we split the bill by three and had to tell her what amounts we were meant to be paid for on three different cards. So that's half an hour of time past.

OUGD504: Only Studio

Talk focusing on design for screen.

Only is an award winning strategy and design consultancy organisation. They focus on Strategy design, Brand design, Digital design. It was set up two and a half years ago with a large client base such as Lost Village music festival since the beginning and work with sony music. Range of sectors, lots of non-profit valuable things and luxury stuff helps pay the pills.

Common misconceptions

  • You need to be able to code
  • It's not proper design
  • It's boring

As long as you've got an idea you can explain it to a developer who will do all the technical things with it.

It's important

  • Primary way of consuming a brand
  • Experintial/interactive
  • It's here to stay

It's the first point of contact if you like a brand you will get on social media. How you get people to engage and interact with is important.

It's exciting

  • Endless opportunity
  • Fast-paced
  • Constantly evolving

Premier league new design is something you don't expect to see. It's more possible now because technology is evolving. Considering the digital side of it is something we bring more and more forward with the process. Considering how the way the brand feels when you move with it, the sound, the motion and language it's something to be considered earlier on in the process. How does it work? How does it respond? Think about how the brand lives on the screen will inform the visual identity and how it lives together. People think that there are loads of restrictions and that it's boring but it opens up a whole world of opportunities.

Design Process

Phase 1 - Research
Who's going to be using the product, who the competitors are, who are the users, personas. Five or six different personas for the product. This helps makes decisions throughout the process. How would this person feel using this. Example: Jane. Use this as ways of answering design questions in the process. You get your answers from actual proper research, matter into users, audience.

Phase 2 - Wireframing
These two phases you would normally be working with someone else. The strategy would be done for you. If you do your wire framing properly and quickly and fluidly then it will help when it comes to the design to have the organisation and plan there. Instead of opening a photoshop document and thinking shit.

Phase 3 - Design
This is where the design comes in more.

Phase 4 - Front End
Work with the developers on what your vision is about how it moves and feels.

Get a sample of 5 or 6 people trying out what you've designed it will help and you can build into it more.

Goldsmith University
Primarily art, needed to strike the balance of international and master students. Needed a new rebrand and new colours.

Often design starts on paper then moves on to digital.

University of Suffolk

Solution references core proposition of change. Change being the only constant and preparing students for an ever changing world. Neatly tied a reference into their place, the yellow is taken from their flag. Modern take on that. Clean, minimal, easy to apply on different assets. Keeps it on a neat format.

Lost Village

8,000 people
Music festival focuses on the experience side. Wanted something the audience could take on and own themselves. Space that's lost in time. References their old language and it's adopted by the people that attend. Based on a bespoke hand drawn typeface. Represents ancient languages. Is another brand people come into contact with it on instagram. A lot of what they do uses 15 second videos and social media aspects to promote Lost Village.


Bring me the horizon - sony open to ideas. Can look editorial and drawn from print or a graphic design background. Take it a step further with how does it move. How does it feel.


His first brand where he moved out of Louis Vuitton. Sells in Mr.Porter and Barneys. No limitations to how it looked.

Q&A Section of the presentation:

How many pages do they do - when do you know when to stop instead of designing a thousand pages?

One page template for courses. Design a source of module based things and show it to a developer you can build on stages. We normally do maybe 7 or 8 templates. We will do a view of the entire website and what the different templates of what the different pages are and the design patterns that will sit on those pages and come up with a gallery or slider of ways to view those pages. Then just create a grid or set of rules on how they sit on each other. Probably stop after 8 because then it's too much. Put the time and effort into learning how to do stuff. We've only shown a few applications but the possibilities are endless. A lot of brands push what the possibilities are. There are no limitations at all. Think about the possibilities for your brand. It's easy to rule someone if they've not considered having an active interest as part of their portfolio.

What are your aims when your trying to design for screen, guidelines, rules, objectives?

One is that is we don't ever offer an inferior experience just because you're on a certain type of device. Need to create designs that are optimum for the device you're on. So you don't get a worse experience if you're on a phone or laptop. Accessible. It's something people roll their eyes out but it needs to be something that can be designed for things that are colour compliant. Particularly if it's for a client that has a broad audience, it cannot prevent anyone from using the products. Visual rules, space is important it's important to be able to distinguish between what content sits with which image and keeping an eye on line length and space. No one wants something that goes across the page in 12pt it looks awful. With adobe now you can just plug your phone in and check what that looks like. Just keep checking back on what you're doing.

Do you find limitations on not having your own developer? Problems?

Not really tbh. We use a few different tools to realise whatever ideas we have. Sometimes photos and illustrators are not enough or just use after effects or envision to made a crude mock up. If they have an idea and believe in it then they will make it happen. Tools like after effects and just being able to communicate them to developers is enough. Good developers will always try to create your ideas. We're always looking for people that are open to trying new things.

Do you do research for example for Goldsmith's do you look at what devices it's primarily accessed through?

Definitely get those statistics up front. The client normally hands them over. For Little Mix it's 80% mobile. For an application that was 80% mobile we would constantly be looking at the mobile experience. Some people would tell you to design mobile first but we look at desktop. We will always be looking at mobile but for getting it approve they want to see what it looks like big instead of stacked on top of each other. We still at the moment always design on desk top first.

If you design something mobile initially? How do you present it to a client?

Envision you can build a crude prototype on a phone. It's like a working prototype so you can show it on a phone, on mobile and desktop. The reality of actually designing it is desktop but the client will always get to review the entire experience.

With a brand like Helberts, do you find it a challenge to reflect a luxury brand on screen whereas on print it might be easier to apply foil? Where with print methods it looks luxurious, how do you present luxury brands through screen?

The details have become really important. There's nothing on that screen really. The video becomes important. The space and screen size along with animation is really important. It has a preloaded where the Halberts thing comes in. Theres a thing that is two stems that comes in. The video by default will lurch in before it loaded. All these little details such as subtle touches, you don't want to just put something bad on screen. Notice in the menu change with luxury brands they're focused on all the little details so bring that into whatever your application may be it gives that air of luxury. In that instance you want to start looking at the content, clear the clutter more and bring that device. Just present the content and wherever possible bring in a little animation detail.

Monday, November 14, 2016

OUGD504: Interface Design Proposal/Brief

Studio Brief:

The problem:

Paying at a restaurant is daunting when the waiter or waitress won't acknowledge that you want to leave as soon as possible and ask you if you want the bill. It's time consuming waiting around for both you and them to be ready for you when they have other customers to deal with. It's also difficult in groups to split the bill between people is a nightmare or fuss when everyone needs to calculate the amount they need to contribute towards the bill. There needs to be a quick and efficient way to do this.

The brief:

To create an interface design to make service at a resturant easy and efficient so that the customer can leave promptly and see all of their order information in a clear and well devised manner so that there are no complications throughout and at the end of the meal especially.

The client:

Any Restaurant - could make this specific to one to convey a unique experience to that establishment.

The target audience:

The person that pays at restaurants i.e. parents, adults, students, young people.

The overarching aim of the project:

A payment system that's on the table with a menu or price list that you or the waitress can add in what you have ordered and pay for as soon as you're finished with the meal. This avoids having to wait for the waiter or waitress at the end to give you your bill and would also enable you to be able to pay your set amounts easily. Making the experience at a restaurant an enjoyable and seamless process from start to finish.

The role of communications:

It must be simple and easy to use so that it can appeal to all target audiences. It could use apple pay or contactless to optimise the speed and efficiency of paying.


Any restaurant can input their menu so that the waiter or waitress can add items to the menu basket to create the total of the bill then at the end just hand a tablet over to the customers so that they can split the bill and each item comes off and is deducted from the total. Consider different payment methods for different environments. The app could use Applepay and contactless. You would need to consider an option to deduct cash from the total. It would need to use typography and images with a clean design which is friendly to multiple audiences.

An app designed app - display how it would work on screen
Mock ups - prototypes

Supporting Resources/Information:
Contactless payment
Uber fair splitter
Qkr Pay - mastercard
Dominos app when tracking the pizza

Potential Solutions

The design will be for a tablet that the waiter will bring to the table for the duration or at the end of the meal with the details of the order on it. An app will be needed to resolve this problem.

Three distinct problems