Tuesday, November 29, 2016

OUGD504: Interface Design - Site Map

First page is the home page.

First section
Table Layout - Where each person is sitting, the list of food they have ordered, which colour "zone" they are in. Red - more expensive, amber - middle budget, green - cheapest. 

Selected Items - Highlighted items or selecting on yourself to pay your section of the bill.

Payment Method - Selecting applepay, contactless, request card machine or cash. 

Payment Process - Similar to when you make online payments and they confirm and transfer you to your back to enter your password and grant the payment.

Confirmation - receipt you can get emailed to you.

New Bill - The Bill without the deductions as people have paid.

Second section
Bill Overview - for if the table want to see the overall bill quickly before modifications etc.

Third section

Support - incase anything with the bill goes wrong, a refund is needed etc.

Request Help - Send a request to the member of staff who is serving you and they come over to your table.

Staff Intervention - This section is for the member of staff to intervene with the bill, do refunds or revert items back to the bill etc. Similar to at self check out systems in supermarkets where the staff has to come and scan their card if there is an issue. 

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