Thursday, November 17, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - YCN - Quorn Brief - Opinions And Discussion On Eating Meat

Common misconceptions or things said during discussion as to why people eat meat or don't become vegetarian.

"Sometimes cooking meat is a hassle. Only because you've gotta chop it, fry it off, defrost it. It takes a long time."
"That's why you buy frozen chicken nuggets just bang it in."

"Quorn is expensive."

"If we did not eat meat, then there would just be animals roaming around in the wild. What would you do if a chicken was just walking around next to you?"

Discussing the consumption of meat:
"What else are they for?"

"Eating meat might not make people feel good. It could make them feel ill if they've gone without it for a long time for react differently to their bodies."

"Isn't meat one of those things you need in your diet?"
"Yeah it's nutritious."
"Might make you fuller for longer"
"That protein, them gains."
"Feel like veg doesn't make you that full."
"I feel like meat gives flavour."

"If I was eating a meal that was just vegetables I'd think yeah this is nice but where's the meat."

"It's dead anyway." 

"Meat has a unique flavour that you can't get from something else."

People are obsessed with certain meat foods, they are social media trends. "but bacon, but chicken nuggets."
"I could eat a 20 pack of chicken nuggets." 

"Being vegan is now trendy."

"Eating meat is everywhere so it is seen as normal." "It's on the food pyramid - eat well plate."

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