Thursday, November 17, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Quorn - Survey Feedback

Conducted two surveys - one for vegetarians and vegans and one for meat eaters. I quoted 10 answers from each.

I received a total of 78 pieces of feedback for the vegetarian survey:

1. What made you become a vegetarian?
"Everyone else is"
" to have a better diet"
"Eating flesh is weird and gross"
"Really understanding what happens to animals and really empathising with their suffer."
"Realising how much animal cruelty is involved with animal agriculture, as well as the environmental impact"
"I started doing it to annoy my friend. By the time I felt I'd proved my point, I'd got used to it so I didn't go back"
"I saw an instagram post on the dairy industry, looked into it a bit more and that was it! Vegan overnight."
"Animal welfare/ethics."
"As soon as I realised that eating meat/dary was unnecessary and that I was hurting animals and the earth. I couldn't figure out a way to justify eating them anymore."

2. How long have you been vegetarian/vegan?
"1 year, 4 months."
"2 years"
"11 months"
"11 years"
"11 months vegetarian, 9 months vegan."
"2 and a half years"
"14 years"
"2 and a half years vegan"
"Had been vegetarian 2 years, been vegan for 1"
"Vegetarian for 3 years, vegan for a year and a half"

3. Have you managed to convince anyone you know to become vegetarian/vegan?
"Informally I know that I've helped people who were thinking about it to give it a try. My mum is moving towards vegetarianism and I'm going to keep trying."
"Yes! My girlfriend and 3 of my uni friends"
"My mum and a few friends. But they were already vegetarian and now vegan"
"Have convinced my friend to become pescetarian."
"Yes, 2 people to go vegan"

4. If yes to Q3, how?

"Leading by example, cooking for the whole family."
"Suggesting websites, recipes, sharing videos on social media."
"My blog."
"Talking honestly and not being patronising, also showing off how nice the food I eat is + cooking for them"
"Just through talking and showing new foods and books on how the dairy industry works etc."
"Not being pushy just trying to lead an example of how being vegan isn't an awful thing and its enjoyable and beneficial to the environment. It helped she was interested anyway in the environment."
"I kind of just told them what I was doing and then they got interested in it and started asking questions. I explained to them the affects of the factory farms on climate change and how inhumane slaughterhouses are."

5. How did you get more information about being vegetarian/vegan? (Example: social media)
"Social media, vegan society."
"Veganuary, vegan society, twitter followers"
"A family member and social media."
"Documentaries, books, social media, blogs."
"Just googled it basically. Youtube was my main source of information, recipes etc."
"Print books"
"Social media, online searches"
"Twitter was really helpful to find vegan people, as well as joining local facebook groups."
"Social media"

6. What would be the most effective advertising for going "Meat Free" for a day?

7. Do you eat Quorn?


8. If yes, would you recommend Quorn to other people? If no, why haven't you tried it? 
"Vegan and it's got egg in, their vegan range isn't very nice."
"Only some of it"
"To some extent yeah, it's an okay substitute but I tend to recommend Fry's/Linda McCartneys/Tofurky as I prefer them and meat eaters generally do too from my experience!"
"No. I have tried it; I don't eat it any more because it's not vegan"
"Only the vegan quern though. I will say Linda McCartney do a better vegan range! I'd recommend some quern but it's very bland if it's just the pieces."
"I don't eat quern because the majority of it has egg."
"Not really sure what that is. I'm assuming a fake meat product? I like gardein the most."

After this research I have found some people were influenced through graphic content and some were influenced by just speaking and being informed normally about the dietary lifestyle. It is mostly ethical reasons and I will look at competitors such as Linda McCartney. 

I received 20 Meat eater one surveys back:

1. Would you ever consider being vegetarian?

2. If yes, what is preventing you from trying it?
"Someone else cooks my food"
"I like steak too much!!"
"I suppose being different from "normal" eating; not wanting to be "difficult" when it comes to my family planning meals"
"I lack motivation to change my lifestyle"
"I like the taste of meat and already limit the amount of times I eat meat."
"The lack of vitamins and protein from not eating meat would make me ill/weaker, my body copes badly without a balanced diet"
"Don't really feel the need, but would be open to giving it a go."
"I enjoy eating chicken"
"Family, convenience."
"Meal choice restrictions."

3. If no, why not?
"I don't like the basic alternatives."
"Love meat too much"
"I like meat. There is no reason to not eat it."
"Live for the meat."

4. Have you ever tried Quorn?
"Yes - Linda McCartney burgers yum"
"Yes, it tasted like chicken but not like chicken - it was okay."
"Yes, ate throughout my first year of uni, it's cheaper"
"Yes, actually like it."

Would you go meat free for a day?
"Yes, I already do this."
"Yeah, I have done before by accident, but I think it would be easily done"
"Yes and have done before"

What would be the most effective advertising for going "Meat Free" for a day?

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