Sunday, November 27, 2016

OUGD504: Wireframing

First interface design wireframe:

The first design would be simple, clean and consistent so it is easy for all ages to use. It would consist of just a screen of the bill. The customer would be able to select each item they had, it would highlight them on to a little pop up so the user can see what was selected with a total of the items in the corner and the price and a done button so you could proceed to the next part which would be the payment. The user could then select which method they would prefer to pay in "request card machine" "apple pay" "cash" "contactless" would be the options to select from then the items this user has selected would come off of the total due and then it would be passed to the next person to do the same process. 

Second interface design wireframe:

This interface consists of showing each individual person on the table as a square and filling their box with what they have ordered so that the waitress knows and they remember because an identified issue at a restaurant was that sometimes people confuse orders or place the order then say this is not what I asked for. This way there is no confusion. The section will also have a red, orange or green dot to signify which area you are in for the bill. Example: Red means you have spent more, amber is you have spend a middle amount and green means you haven't spent as much. This idea was given in a crit because sometimes people will not split the bill equally between everyone if they have not ordered much food. If everyone is in the amber colour then they could just have the bill split equally because they've spent the same amount of money.  This would have the same features as interface design one because it needs a highlighted option for each person to select themselves on the chart and then process to pay. 

Third interface design wireframe:

Taking inspiration from Domino's Dom app because in a crit someone said to research that so the design has adapted features similar to this. This design is too similar and not as strong as the others. 

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