Monday, November 28, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Quorn - Press Pack - Publication - Recipe Book

The recipes were found on The design uses the type faces Pacifico and Raleway which are both what Quorn use for their branding. The size is A6 so that it will fit inside a box. It will be relatively cheap to produce. It will be a nice pocket size if you want to bring it to someones house or cook with someone else. You could give this to someone else who needs the inspiration. colour scheme uses CMYK colours that Quorn uses. The design is simple and clean but packed with all of the information from the website and what the person would need for recipe inspiration. It is a small publication with 8 pages including the cover and back page. The recipes chosen are foods that are classics that people will recognise easily but can replace with the Quorn product to make it a meat free meal. This will be part of the press back in the campaign to get people to "go meat free" for a day. 

A lot of people learned about being meat free from social media influence. Instagram is an extremely influential platform for advertising food with all the food instagrams. The design might need a hashtag on the back page to see other people's food photos to gain inspiration. 

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