Sunday, November 27, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - YCN - Quorn Brief - Physical Product Research - Press Pack

One of the options from my survey was to create a physical pack to give to people. This could feature and be sponsored by Quorn so that people can learn about being meat free and meat alternatives. Peta distribute vegan starter kits which is a publication with recipes and information about veganims.

Things that are conventionally found in press packs:

-Historical information on the company 
-Fact sheet listing specific features, statistics, or benefits
-Biographies of key executives, individuals, artists
-Past press coverage
-Photos or other images, logos, products
-A press release detailing the current news the media kit is sent in reference to
-Media contact information
-A CD, DVD, Software title, video, etc
-Collateral advertising material, such as: postcard, flier, newspaper ad, etc

Things that could be included in the Quorn one:

-Information in the form of a publication
-Recipes using Quorn - alternative recipes on traditionally meaty things
-Benefits and facts
-Art print / poster that could potentially put in a room or student halls
-Stuff linked to campaigns like associations 
-Collateral advertising material, such as: postcards, flier, newspaper ad, etc
-Discount code or voucher for Quorn

Target audience: students, young people wanting more information on becoming meat free or going meat free for a day.

Distribution: free or cheap to produce. Available to request on their website. 

Aims and objects: needs to be engaging, needs to keep the attention, be quite bright, colourful. Use the branding from Quorn to reflect back on to the brief. Colour scheme would have to be quite orange to reference the Quorn branding, neutral colours and green to show the natural and vegetarian aspect.  

The font Quorn uses

Quorn already have recipes on their website and fake meat products for specific things for example burgers and bolognese meat. 

What I'm going to include in the pack:

- Collateral advertising material: Art Prints
The purpose of these would be so that the person receiving them could put them in their room or university halls. Some advertising for vegetarianism, veganism or going meat free is quite vulgar and pushes people to be meat free whereas it could be aesthetically pleasing and nice to look at. 

- Recipes
A lot of people fed back saying recipes were a way they introduced other people into becoming meat free it's a helpful way if people don't know what meals to cook. Quern already have recipes on their website.  This could be in the form of cards or a small booklet.

- Photos
High quality photos of animals and food. 

- Voucher for Quorn products
Some people won't become meat free because they believe being vegetarian is expensive as are Quorn products. People are constantly bombarded by advertisements in the form of discount codes. Even if it was just a 10% code it could influence people, especially students and people on lower budgets to get Quorn products.


Reach – How will your campaign reach as many people as possible. Demonstrate how your campaign can be applied globally.
Could be shipped world wide such as peta's is and advertised online. The recipe book and prints could be set as a pdf on their website so people can download and print them out themselves as the press pack will be free. 

Engagement – How will your campaign encourage people to engage with the brand?
It's going to include recipes and facts in regards to Quorn. It will offer a discount for their products so that people are influenced to buy it on their journey to becoming meat free.

Click-through rate – How will your campaign make sure people visit the website?
The design could feature links to their website for people to access more information.

Participation – How will your campaign encourage people to participate and support World Meat Free Day.
It will include things to help people get started and encourage not only themselves but others around them to at least try going meat free for a day. This will be done through advertising. 

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