Monday, November 21, 2016

OUGD504: Design Production - Studio Brief 02 - Feedback

Doesn't take into account certain factors.
Whole experience becomes tainted because of the bill.
Should just be a good experience, enjoyable.
Rather than just it being paying and distributing the bill 

Issues with other people, old people don't trust contactless.
Uber fair splitter - gets it to split equally. As long as you have internet it always ensures you take the right amount.

Get feedback of what people do when they're in a big group.

Thing per person - red, green, amber - so they owe a lot more than other people. So let's just pay individually or if everyones in amber the difference is pence lets split it. 

It might be too open, same idea to deliver - do an uber fair splinter applies it to something that is already out there. 

every time you use you get points or a reward for using the app

the tip - if you're going with 14 of you the bill will run into 100+ the tip will be £15-£20, one person paying that is a lot - show it on an interface split between everyone it doesn't seem like a lot.

be clear to everyone what it is

getting them to come

problems of ordering - when you've been in big groups, someone always says this isn't what i ordered

ipad stays on the table, shows you - divides table up into sections what drinks and food you've ordered makes it easier for the waiter - running total of what the bill is and places the food on the table infront of the person in correspondent to the tablet

having a running order of what you've got

might be off putting - but you might have a budget 
have an option to have it on or off - don't want them to constantly - birthday etc on and off throughout the meal

dominos screen - preparing cooking etc

some places you could be waiting an hour, the longer you wait the cheaper it gets - the tip starts at 100% and every 5 mins it goes down a percentage towards the bill - functionality would be quite useful

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