Wednesday, November 16, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - YCN - Quorn Brief - Research & Initial Ideas

The Creative Challenge
We would like you to create a campaign to promote World Meat Free Day and encourage people to go meat free for the day.

How do we explain the problem and create a solution that people across the globe can understand and get involved in to make a change. The first step in what we hope will become a longer-term behaviour change.

Think about how your campaign can encourage people to make long-term changes to their consumer behaviour beyond World Health Day. Encourage people continue to feature meat free meals in their day-to day lives. Healthy for them and healthy for the planet!

A creative hook and execution is needed to help us do this!

Think about which channels you will use to execute your campaign. Will you create an animation to share on social media? Or perhaps some posters to be used within the supermarkets.

Initial Thoughts:
Research into Quorn and their beliefs. Research scaremongering like Peta. Facts, statistics, infographics. Social media. Viral video. Advertisements. Posters. Handouts. Stickers. Interactive things to appeal to all age ranges and target audiences.


What are Quorn products?

Quorn products are made from Mycoprotein which is a nutritionally healthy protein source that is meat free and naturally low in saturated fat and high in fibre.

Quern products have the taste, appearance and texture of meat, perfect if you want meat free meals or are thinking of creating healthier versions of your favourite everyday meals.

How is Quorn made?

It is made from Mycoprotein which is produced by a process of fermentation similar to that used for yeast in bread. Unlike other meat alternatives, there's no strong aftertaste and Quorn is great at absorbing the flavours used in cooking.

Information on Mycoprotein:

The debate on wether or not to consume meet or if it is needed for us is ongoing. As a vegetarian, people always ask if it is for moral and ethical reasons or health reasons. Being a vegetarian since a young age and not knowing any different is my main factor. I discovered where meat came from at a young age and just decided to stop eating it so that was my reasoning behind it. This is a route that needs to be considered during the process of research - why people are influenced to go meat free.  

Peta stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and gives a lot of information about animal cruelty with facts, statistics and videos. It is something that is constantly shared on the internet and social media which inspires people not to eat meat. Peta uses graphic advertisement through videos. I showed a few videos to someone that eats meat "aggressive way of forcing people to advertise them."

Environmental and health issues is another reason people do not eat meat. Mo Farah is a celebrity endorsement for Quorn. Quorn has just as much if not more protein than meat does so people that train consistently can swap for a different alternative.

Constructed a survey on:
For vegetarians and vegans asking about how they got into being meat free and their opinions on Quorn as a product. And an additional survey for people that eat meat This will influence the design because it will give and understanding as to ways people engage with information of being meat free.

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