Tuesday, November 8, 2016

OUGD504: Studio Brief 02 - Design for Screen - Initial Ideas - Mind Mapping

Paying At Restaurants

Problem - Paying at a restaurant is daunting when the waiter or waitress won't look at you or ask you if you want the bill. Also splitting the bill between people is a nightmare or fuss when everyone needs to calculate the amount they need to contribute towards the bill. 

Overall project aim - A payment system that's on the table with a menu or price list that you or the waitress can add in what you have ordered and pay for as soon as you're finished with the meal. This avoids having to wait for the waiter or waitress at the end to give you your bill and would also enable you to be able to pay your set amounts.

Target audience - The person that pays at restaurants i.e. parents, adults, students, young people. 

Client - Any restaurant. 

Communicate with the later

Customer Service Calls

Problem - The prompt to press numbers on customer service calls is incredibly irritating because of the long and slow process when they suggest options for you to press.  The music you get whilst you're on hold is loud and doesn't help. Especially if you're in a distressing situation and want to be put on instantly. It makes the customer more irritable. 

Overall project aim - To create a user interface that enables you to request what specific services you require before the call is even made instead of taking you to an insufferable automated voice reading you the options on what you need assistance for. Perhaps all of it to be done through a screen or app instead of having to dial a number or listen to hold music or an automated voice so you could just read through and press options that are applicable to your situation. 

Target audience - Everyone that requires the service.

Client - Potentially phone networks, stores, schools. 

Shopping Trolleys 

Problem  - Tills, self checkouts can be a struggle if you find it difficult interacting with people, want a quick and easy checkout without having to scan all the items yourself or have too many items to place on the self checkout bagging area.  

Overall project aim - In stores such as Waitrose, they have a scanner that you pick up at the beginning of your shop and you scan the items in as you progress through the store then place the scanner in at the end of your shop instead of having to scan each individual item and put it back into your trolley. It seems to make the entire shop faster and more efficient. There could be something created such as a screen on a trolley to make the experience applicable to all supermarkets. That way you wouldn't need to carry around the scanner with you. Would literally just need the trolley to scan things then pay through the screen too. 

Target audience - Mostly adults, parents and students. People that do the food shop.

Client - Supermarkets - M&S, Tesco, Sainsburys, Lidl, Aldi, Asda, Waitrose, Morrisons etc. 

Incorporate the brand much more - the experience would be much more different. 
Present the idea you're going to be served politely.

Decision Making App

Problem - When people cannot make a decision on what do, where to go, where to eat, what to wear etc.  

Overall project aim - Place a question in the app, with possible outcomes it shuffles and chooses one for you.

Target audience - Indecisive people

Client - Anyone that can't make a decision.

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