Thursday, November 24, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Quorn - Brief Facts & Information

  • Create a campaign to encourage the world to participate in World Meat Free Day . 
  • World Meat Free Day 2017 is on 12th June.
  • Due to this, we would need all responses in by the end of January 2017. 
  • We use 50% more resources than the earth can support and today we live as if we have 1 1⁄2 planets. If we continue like this by 2050 we will need 3 planets!

  • No one was actively talking or doing anything to identify the problem and provide a solution to enable us to change our behaviour and solve the problem. 
  • Demonstrate how we can make a change and do something positive. 

Creative Considerations
• Must be emotive
• Must be easy to understand and get involved in • Must create a positive solution
• Must be able to be used globally 

Reach – How will your campaign reach as many people as possible. Demonstrate how your campaign can be applied globally.
Engagement – How will your campaign encourage people to engage with the brand?
Click-through rate – How will your campaign make sure people visit the website?
Participation – How will your campaign encourage people to participate and support World Meat Free Day. 

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