Tuesday, January 19, 2016

OUGD405: Studio Brief 02 - GF Smith Stock Samples

I made a request for paper samples from GF Smith so that I had an array of varying stock to chose from if I needed any for my leaflet but they could be used across other modules too such as PPP. This will help me narrow down what stock I need for the leaflet. I ordered some metallic stock which is nice aesthetically however, it is not practical to print on especially considering I am going to be folding my leaflet into a small condensed shape. I also ordered samples of tracing paper which would also be too think. I think that the ink might bleed through considering I am going to print one side almost completely black so full ink might just soak through. I need a heavy weight paper stock or a thin card because I need my leaflet stock to fit the criteria of:

-Being easy and cheap to mass produce and distribute
-Hold the full side of ink because one side of my leaflet will be black and the other side will be white.
-It needs to be thin enough to fold into the shape of my leaflet 
-It needs to be thick enough to hold the fold together 
(although it does work with photocopy paper stock.)
-But also not thick enough so that the ink cracks when folded.

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