Thursday, January 28, 2016

OUGD404: Book Exhibition

Today we went to a Book Exhibition at The Tetley. I enjoyed seeing all the different styles of books displayed. There were small constantine books which were vibrant and stood out in the first second because of their colours and illustrations. Similar to ones that seemed like a more fanzine style with artist works and the children's styled books. There was also a very large book in the exhibition which had to be turned by members of staff. I feel like this would be too ambitious for a 10 page spread for design principles. The content and style would be very difficult to organise to that scale which would work fluidly.

From this exhibition I have taken away the use of colours and illustrations because I found the more vibrant colourful work more prominent but the black and white section was also nice to look at. I will take into consideration maybe creating a children's book for Studio Brief 02 because of the use of colours and illustrations but I would need to consider the layout more. I really like my original idea for Studio Brief 02 about making it more photography heavy but this could be an alternative route to illustrate a children's book.

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