Sunday, January 17, 2016

OUGD405: Studio Brief 02 - Testing visions and typefaces

The top one is the original typefaces with the phrase "Don't drink drive."
 The second list is the typefaces blurred. 
I chose to use sans serif type faces because during the crits it became apparent that people believe sans serif fonts convey a strong, important message clearer than a serif font. Also, serifs are also believed to add nothing to legibility. If anything they can make texts less legible because of all the unnecessary curves. I personally think that Futura, Universe and Din would work the best with an information leaflet because the texts are more condensed and concise whereas Helvetica and Aria are quite spread out. Helvetica also reminds me of trendy, cool brands instead of a serious advertisement about public information. It is also because helvetica is used for a lot of logos such as American Apparel, American Airlines and Evian. I feel as though a quite condensed font 
The concept for these idea.  

 After feedback on this I was suggested to perhaps make the paragraph change into quarters.
This shows the paragraph in context. This is how the body of information in the middle of the leaflet would look. The first line of text would read very crisp and clear and then it would deteriorate, become blurry and illegible. 

Futura Medium

Univers Light Condensed 

I prefer universe because it is more condensed. The font looks more serious and is still legible when blurred. 

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