Tuesday, January 5, 2016

OUGD405: Studio Brief 02 - Information Design Page - Content & Layout Ideas

Graphic imagery. Similar to how cigarette packets include disgusting images on their packaging as a prevention method. It shows people the real side effects and acts as a barrier to try stop people buying them. This method could be adapted to my drink driving leaflet.

Posters at a large scale would mean more people would see it. This could probably include the graphic imagery or a singular bold tag line. Similar to something Think! would do. However, because this time of thing has already been done it's not that innovative to translate this directly into a publication. 

Postcards as an advertising method; similar to how  advertisements from companies are posted to everyones doors because this is so important and of wide public concern it could be sent out to everyone not just targeted to one specific area. 

Videos - However, an info graphic has been done and there are currently many advertisements on both the radio and television on not to drink drive. There was one released at Christmas, 2015 by Think! Which included their new campaign. It explains how even though someone might ask you to drive them somewhere and persuade you you’ll be fine - don’t because the consequence from them will be better than the destroying of your life and theirs. there could be an animation done. The tagline is “In the doghouse, but alive.” I personally find the imagery of these types of videos very disturbing but it is supposed to be emotion evoking and prevent people from doing it.

The content could also use anecdotes to scare people because it puts the audience in a position of “this could happen to me” if this has happened to someone else. 

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