Monday, January 4, 2016

OUGD405: Studio Brief 02 - Study Task - Information Design Floods Layout

We were given the task of designing a layout for an information piece based on what to do in the event of a flood. As a group we came up with two concepts. The first concept (1) shows a timeline which is divided into two colours; blue and white to depict the flood water. Then it shows what to do in a gradual order as the page progressively saturates with the blue colour. Each page will be A6 with bold, large, legible information. This will include numbers to phone and key contacts, where to go and what to do if you are unsure.

However, we then realised that the rising water level on the card may cause a panic trigger and that we needed to provide information on both sides of an individual sheet to utilise the space for information. As a result of this, the other side of the cards with show the colour decreasing from blue to white and the concept will be what to do in the aftermath of a flood such as how to claim insurance, how to fix things, charities that can advise you, potential dangers after and how to help the community. This is shown by (1b)

Our second concept is to create a double sided information postcard which will also be relatively small either A5 or A6 because then it is convenient and easy to mass produce. Especially if it is kept in monoprint. The 1st side would say 'Flood' in big and bold letters and the 2nd side would include a short bullet points or a list of things to do in the event of a flood; it will maintain very minimalist instructions so that they are clear and concise.

Another option for a small information postcard would be to just have the singular word 'Flood' then a contact number underneath so that is is bold and clear on exactly what to do without being overwhelmed with additional information. However, this does not utilise both sides of the page so I think that the first concept for the small information postcard is more effective.

Individually, I think another concept for an information poster could be a large A3 poster placed on boards and around areas that would be at high risk of flooding. Similar to flyers and band poster advertisements. The poster would say 'What to do in the event of a flood' in slightly smaller text then 'FLOOD?' in large text underneath it to be bold and clear; which will grab the attention of the audience, especially considering the larger scale. Then underneath would be a similar concept to the information postcard idea and have short notes on what to do in the following event. For example the type would be displayed like this with some parts of the information larger or bolder than the others to be more prominent:

What to do in the event of a flood?
1.Immediate risk to life? Trapped? Call 999.
2.Contact Yorkshire Water / Environment Agency Floodline (0345 988 1188) to report floods
Contact Leeds City Council for support 0113 376 0498
Check BBC Radio Leeds - FM 92.4 & 95.3 MHz | Radio Aire on FM 96.3MHz & DAB
@LeedsEmergency | @LeedsCC_news 

This shows the hierarchy of the information. I think that the numbers and contact information would be the most important. This displays all the options on where to get support and information of the floods and from different resources. If people are at serious risk it would be almost instinct to call the emergency services which is why 999 is not enlarged. It is only bold. So that this piece of information is prominent but not too large against the other numbers. Leeds City Council's number is for if you need support but are unsure where to go from your current situation. I feel like this is the first number you would look at to call. Then other outlets such as the radio and twitter give live updates. You would look at those when you had free time and were safe from the floods which is why it is placed underneath the numbers. 

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