Sunday, January 17, 2016

OUGD405: Studio Brief 02 - Colours

 Here I tested out how black and white blurred text would look against coloured backgrounds. I chose light pastel colours because they could appeal to younger audiences and stand out amongst other letters in the mail because of the different colours. However, I believe it makes the message come across less serious because of the bright colours and the white text does not stand clear against the light colours. I think that keeping the leaflet monotoned means that it is cost efficient to print because it only uses tone inks making mass distribution cheap. It also keeps the serious undertone of the advertisement and is legible because of the strong contrast against colours as demonstrated by this example:

Feedback on colours:
"The colours seem childish."
"It does not correspond with the following theme of the leaflet. The message is disregarded because

"Maybe use multiple colours for example white and black. Black on the outside, white on the inside because you see the light."
"It's a black and white event, like you pass out and you kinda go into a daze which is the white."
"When you're drunk you're half dazed everything around you is black, it's like a tunnel vision. Everything around you is black and what you focus on is white. You don't really see anything but that one thing and you might be thinking oh what is that one thing but then it's too late and you've crashed already. Dead."

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