Monday, January 18, 2016

OUGD405: Studio Brief 02 - Final Decision On Leaflet Fold

After feedback during one of the crits I was suggested to create a leaflet that wasn't an envelop fold because some people rip those to shreds which would defeat the purpose of the information being contained within the body of the envelop. I experimented with some fold mock ups as seen on previous blog posts and decided that this would be the best option. This is because is it small and condensed which means the text will only be the important bits and people can carry it around with them if they need the contact information. Also junk mail seems quite bulky and large because this design is so compact it doesn't take up a lot of room. I will place the design on the inside with the text information from research on drink driving and the outside text will consist of the person to whom it concerns address. Most likely the adult of the house or a generic name for people above the legal age of drinking. It will be printed black on the outside and white on the inside to go along with the tunnel vision theory which was given in my feedback. That you don't see the incident coming until it's too late.

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